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Listen to the Voices of Baseball: Famous Qoutes

For anyone who really loves the game and considers him or herself to be a true, die-hard fan, knowing a variety of baseball qoutes is probably important. Baseball is considered to be the national pastime, and has been around for years and years. Fans and non-fans alike have seen a wide range of players, managers, and others who all add their unique spirit and personality into the game. Some of the greats have left a lasting legacy, while other lesser-known players may not have achieved notoriety but still left an imprint on the history of the game. Without all the players of the past and the present, baseball would not be what it is today, and we can only gain a true appreciation of the game by listening to what the faces of baseball have to say...

Great Baseball Qoutes

Baseball qoutes are collected like the great sayings of anything else. People are always talking, sharing their thoughts with the world on the topics that most interest them, so there is a wealth of quotes that speak about the famous American game. Some of the most popular baseball qoutes come from well-known players or managers, while in other quotations the message of the saying is more remembered than the speaker. Whatever the story, baseball quotes describe the history of the game and reveal a little about the competitive spirit and emphasis on teamwork that baseball incites.

The following names are some of the people in baseball's past who have contributed their thoughts on the game: Sparky Anderson, Chuck Tanner, Grover Alexander, Steve Carlton, Dwight Gooden, Nolan Ryan, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Mark McGwire, Jerry Coleman, Vin Scully, and Cool Papa Bell, among many others. There are also many quotes from movies or about special places, such as A League of Their Own or Fenway Park.

If you are looking for great baseball qoutes, there are many places to look. Because baseball is such a popular sport, there are many books about the sport that feature great sayings and thoughts on the game. There are also entire quote books that can be a great resource if you are looking for some particular quote about or by a certain player, topic, etc. The Internet is a good place to search, as well, because many sites will feature a large collection of quotations that is easy to search and browse. In conclusion, here is a final quotation from a Woody Allen movie, Zelig: "I love baseball. You know it doesn't have to mean anything, it's just beautiful to watch."

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